The Book of Life and Interplanetary Warfare
Part I-III
Introduction: In the book "The Books behind Methuselah" I looked the man in May troubled issues that interest me about the existence of man on earth, such as the increase, his encounter with the giants, the Nephilim, and the known as the old ones Shinning (or other foreigners), and the Bible and other sources, I have seen people like Adam, Melchizedek, Darwin, Methuselah, God and Jesus, the foundation of the demonic world,Lucifer - or the devil, and in particular the group of giants as a place, a meeting place for the Nephilim. I went back 55 million years, maybe look at the bigger picture, in nine previous books in The Book of Methuselah. "
One area in this tenth book now added the other nine, is "The Book of Interplanetary Life" (for the most part within the Milky Way). There are two issues here to emphasize the author: "Has there ever been life or natureon this planet, perhaps civilization? "Secondly, it is a life at all on this planet now?
I look at science, archeology, and a rotation of rhetorical theological ...
Is there life beyond Earth?
(The short version)
The conical point of view is this: Yes, yes to both questions. Maybe life is what is on planets such as Jupiter's moon Europa, where liquid water ocean beneath the ice. Also found water on Saturn's moon Enceladus. And as thethe old saying goes, where there is no water, no life.
Mars, scientists say Mars once had life because once the water. astrobiologists might also many, announced as part of their studies alien life once existed on Europa moon jumper, or have: Due to the thick layer of ice on the Moon, and under the ice, closer born on his coat, could Hypo-thermal vents exist as Life on things like worms, live from the gases from chimneys. So there are opportunitieshere.
How about our moon? My answer to my question is, why not? But what must demand more rounded? On earth, as recent as a few years ago, microbiologists have some microbes found two miles below the surface and these were converted into water up to two hydrogen and one oxygen particles produced. So now, the scientist planets like our moon, where he was trying to find any water.
Meteorites, and microbial DNA-based
For myKnowledge, there is no moon, of course, folk, or people, this was on the moon, other than that we sent to the moon, the moon was born, meaning oxygen-breathing or multicellular organisms that lived on our planet in our solar system, particularly on Mars, but leave that aside for the moment, as other forms of being? I mean, creatures found with other animals or differences in biology or chemistry on Earth? Sure, they have developed forms of life outside our solar systemSystem on other planets (microbial), and some can even carry through space to reach the ground. I have become part of a meteorite, fifty years, ie, was not something within this meteorite, when he landed in Arizona, which is now called Meteor Crater? And 'likely sailed around our solar system for eons, and then just landed on Earth a day. The bacteria is a great space travelers, they can withstand anything.
As ice on Pluto? Where areFriction and motion, is hot. If there is ice, and there is ice on Pluto, and you can heat and melt the ice melts, it can be life.
How about the overheating of the planet Mercury? Most people are not so likely, because they are too close to the sun. It seems that the most hostile (700 Kelvin or 430 degrees Celsius). The dark side is below zero. No or almost no atmosphere, and water, as it seems that "most people are right!
Mars and the Moon, perhapsMariner Valley on Mars, which could until the United States from New York to California, and deep as the highest mountains in the world, and what could be a source of drainage, a river in a time when life was a gruff This monstrous geological wonders have.
But will now be sent to Mars with the machines we have there we can see, has three hundred meters above the surface (and some eighty feet), huge buildings to see, as if it could be amilitary base of some kind, a government cover-up, for the most part. reported when an object fell from a mechanical robot land areas hidden giant spaceship came to the fore, and circled with this article or twelve miles in area, there were 1,500 cases of UFOs, and NASA has seen pictures of this that I . Along with filming of "T" structures and a face (1998), which is most likely a symbol of a kind that the government has been smeared for us to lookany reason, the landing of spacecraft, the trees are hidden in other structures including triangular buildings: a cover-up to very high, but why?
On another issue smeared a base on the moon has its dark side, with pictures of tall buildings as well, and towers, large structures a half mile in size, reflective surfaces, many of these photos were, again, Why?
It 's always observed for the astronauts have objects while working in space for the Space Shuttle commonspace station or denied, but very clear. The only question remains in this area is at NASA or our government to acknowledge publicly? Possibly, if more appropriate, and if they know the public is acceptable, and not so anxious, or if you want to install fear, some of which may be friendly aliens, some not so friendly. Some of these alien spacecraft would be 7000 mph were measured in our atmosphere.
Who are the foreigners?
(Past andavailable)
What do the aliens look like?
Agharians: Maybe there is a large underground world, here on earth thousands of years, have lived in strangers. It has been argued in some cavity inside the earth, one with a high degree of civilization, economic, organizational, social and cultural rights. Such people were called Agharians.
Alpha Draconis, a reptile race for the most part, said that plans for an invasion of Earth, when the timeright.
The Anakim (or 'Els' short for 'Elder Race' or simply as the "giant" of a civilization called the Nephilim)
Amoeba like creature, found a disease carrying creatures of the Arctic Circle by NASA.
The Andromedans: Who here with other alien races on Earth almost 6000 years, about 2,000 of them, 18,000 others? From what I heard, they would rather all foreigners leave the planet earth, and let peoplesort things out for us. It seems as if you can not, and maybe you can not. But it seems they have some values.
Historical data: within the space community for more than three million years ago, in the constellation Andromeda. Distance from Earth that criss-cross-150-4000 light years, the humanoid form of life, apparently, Nordic-Caucasians. It may also be looking for Asian or East? It is about 5.7 meters high and seven meters high. long fingers and long toesWomen something shorter, ranging from 50-65 meters wide spacecraft, the command ships are over 2500 meters in length. Some have this name, the demon of gray Nephilim. They sin against birds and animals of the world.
Draconian Gray reptile species, such as skulls are in Canada, four fingers (there are many classification in this category or type of alien has been found).
Sumerians, from Kodesh at Ur (ancient city of Iraq): Sumerians were the creation of aAdvance civilization in the land of Iraq. cuneiform pictogram (which I have one) may be given in writing to confirm, and so they have, and believe it was their home, the alien race.
The Nephilim, mythological and biblically speaking, I see a trend here, chatter, and the truth of the matter, it is clear that we are not alone here on planet Earth, and not for a very long time, and we find them all in what is after: end of the period, which ends in2012, writings have indicated.
On another note, does the Milky Way "serpent of light get", in mythology, as the name I do not know, but Lucifer is the shadow of the Nephilim, that snake. This is the snake devouring its tail. Now go back to a time when I'll find my, I mean, you know openly, it is tender saucy closes in, someone is on the way. The ancient gods before Adam the Antichrist, showing all Nephilm are on our doorstep TheI mentioned this book at all, and other books, they are giving the people who know his secret. Some believe that December 21, 2012, we witnessed galactic events, I reassured everyone that day, alone, were the Army of the Nephilim designs on a quick return to Earth, with or without his friends, one-way or another, with Lucifer, and surely the Antichrist is already doing here, his dirty actions to pave the way from Washington DCand Belgium, and possibly all major cities in the world when they do, are the conspiracy from NASA and other countries are home to open wide and beyond.
Time: time and space, space-time itself, both are cross-classified, are inseparable, the light is transmitted as a part, and most of the work believe it or not a theological one. God made a cryptogram of the universe, perhaps in the construction of the Jewish Temple, the Temple of Solomon, as it is often called, and there are or may be the treasure of GodHunters, if so, we want to solve the mystery. The Hebrew book of light is credibility with this statement: the creation can be verified created by sacred geometry, if you decipher the riddle of the temple.
Written by: 21/04/2010
The cover and the threat
(Alien Earth Integration)
Part II of III
A threat: President Reagan feared a threat from outer space, why? What did we not know? And George Adamski claimed to have visited Venus. General DouglasMacarthur says our next big war will be an interplanetary war. Hermann Oberth, the father of modern rock garden, said that UFOs are from outer space, and contact has already been established. General George Marshall said the contact was made, and UFOs can destroy us if they wanted. Admiral Roscoe Hillencoater first CIA director, acknowledged the next step was to aliens. Users who looked familiar and UFO studies in the area were: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, WinstonChurchill, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, he saw, he said.
Indoctrination: Believe it or not, we are slowly leaked information, are programmed for scheduled TV programs from the books of aliens, even admitting that this phenomenon ghost.
If these phenomena of collapse, as was done in the years 1940, 1950, 1960 or sulky our human cultures and institutions would, and causes chaos, but we are ready now?
Learning about their presence, we allI know, Area 51, Alien is an American study area, and we all know from 3500 stated that pilots have run into strange spaceship, all documented. And maybe it's the silence in this area, because the aliens want to be free to continue their seizure, as they have done so far. Therefore they do not want it publicly recognized as a fact, and the governments of the world know that they say has no control over them, since nothing the fear of something people ask, why buy the cow when youcan get the milk for free.
These aliens, which is big and gray, they are known as known from eleven species of aliens that have brought Russian and American governments under constant threats, some are actually helping these two nations. Four Valiant, is a name of one of the aliens.
On May 20, 2012, and sixth and things 21 June 2012 held in December 2012, strange is directly above our heads, be vigilant (perhaps the beginning of World War III)
During the operationHigh jump, Admiral Bird and his fleet of ships and aircraft, went to Antarctica, between 31 December 1946 and January 1947 was 70,000 photos in the mapping of the continent, and the aircraft spent 220 hours in air to do it for 22,700 miles. After the task was finished, Admiral Bird's plane was missing for three hours. He'll explain later, he was taken into an underground city of mass, and spoke with residents who expressed concern that the atomic bomb was used, expressed, and thatIn the past have tried to stay out of the affairs of earth, but it would be impossible now. In the near future, would be a WWIII, and would destroy much of the land, and would be available again to share the world's cultures.
Interplanetary Warfare
(Alien Earth Integration)
Part III
This is just one example (projection): January 1, 2016 press release (a global influence the United Nations and has appointed its general speakerhad to say, five minutes):
"We now have space to come to the threshold we need to unite to fight for an interstellar invasion force, called Gray's ... even if the world has fought in many wars always, as we know, this is different. Gray's desire to colonize our planet, and integrate with our people to their level of authority, or said they would destroy the earth and all its inhabitants.
Have been here for avery long, have a military station on the moon, and rising supplies from this source, also has a military base on Mars, their spaceships are now on their way to our train ... this will be the enemy, and now I want to talk about steps ... and like all phases of the war is the movement of troops and equipment from place to place, are supposed to have this all ready on the Moon and Mars from their place of origin, which we assume is somewhere in the AndromedaConstellation (is 20% larger than the mass of the Milky Way, and is presented as n-spiral for those who do not know, or a big star or a small cloud in the sky, sees the galaxy similar to the Circle of Raphiam in Israel, Basic five rings and a large middle).
These supplies and men to accept that we (some hidden) is already on the ground in their underground colonies in the world, I will now explain what we were quick to believe: in particular, their troops are alreadyraised and trained, and brought their equipment from their home planet in our planetary orbit twice the first phase, which we know to a certain extent this is already in place in order, the transport process in-the-go stage right now, the next phase carries on the ground, we know that the ships in the subway in the world can help and assist the mother with the equipment of ships have no problems with it, the transport of this clause is already present, in addition to ground troopsmust be taken from orbit by gravity in an appropriate regional meeting, this is perhaps at this moment, as I shall have done, this is the phase down of a military plan, and certainly theirs. Now you need to get a briefing, and go to the combat phase will likely take place in the days following, and then at this stage, mixed, fighting began in earnest, hand-picked point in the global scene. Now the last step,or phase will take place, as the fighting goes on and should continue to drop troops, providing them the support of orbit and in the long term if the war lasts so long, ends up being cared for at home by the planets. But something tells me you would not expect it to last too long.
"With this premise in hand, come the questions: Can we finally, and ruining their path offer? We know that we can not fight on equal terms.
"We need to discover the likely durationtheir ability to perform in a wide campaign, which raises the question to be answered: What did the Moon and Mars. We need to know what mix of technologies that use or can use. Currently, our military minds have a peek at their current strategies in interplanetary war, this campaign is complicated and extensive that they pose to us is that we never met before, there are familiar with raising device, but soon we be in combat, aredeadly, but within their systems develop a kind of electric, like a ray gun in their hands to point to an 'activation of a struggle that will be quite limited sensation and almost fry to death. Transport troops and goods must be reduced, and drop zones must be sought and destroyed. You have cargo and warships and transport, military transport planes, try disabling it if we find a way to do this.
"Currently we can not. We knowtransport ships carrying 8,000 troops and their cargo ship 180,000 tons of equipment. I explained as best I can, there are questions? "
Japan: "What can we expect the first day of the war against the enemy?"
The President: "Exactly what we do, how to go to war in Iraq in 1990, an invasion fleet in orbit, or above, and next to the bombing targets will be global."
Germany: "What did they have already done so, be prepared for such aBombing ...?"
The Speaker: "... have certainly done their duty, we must assume that long, and did, doubt their intelligence, their operations Pathfinder in a row, I feel are the backup of the planet an uncertain first massive attack fast, secure our planet from Washington DC, where the serpent's head, which is cut off, and then locked, all the material of nuclear weapons is off. "
France: "Whatthen? "
Senate President: "We believe a counter-attack to try to be like them, to stop our heads from the planets and the preparation of a meeting, so you can open a window, they think that we will ciaos be we are willing to negotiate any price. "
Israel: "We are probably the most destructive weapons we have, we always make people use, and this will cause a reaction, we can only hope that one of the other groups to bring help, this is not plausible?"
TheSpeaker: "We are fighting a kind of war we ever fought before, I think that America has some new strategies and tactics to free his people invented, but the cost will be expensive!"
America: "In this debate, the U.S. has already hit the moon made military enemy, we must now wait for the next attack, and if we are to survive, we must restore our culture and government of the underground city, we haveprepared with England. Consequently, there is only one bombing, must return to refuel on Mars. "
Written. 22/04/2010
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The child has to watch TV news? Amazing views of Top Anchors
Children and NEWS
More than ever, children witness innumerable, sometimes traumatizing,
Events News on television. It seems that violent crime and bad news intact.
foreign wars, natural disasters, terrorism, murders, incidents of child abuse,
medical epidemics and flood our newscasts every day. Not to mention the sad
Recent spate of school shootings.
All this calls for the innocent world of children. If, as psychologists
Say children are like sponges andabsorb everything around them,
how deep the TV news is actually affected by it have? How is
Parents need to control the flow of messages at home, and how can
find a concept that works?
To answer these questions, we asked a panel of experts anchor, Peter
Jennings, Maria Shriver, Linda Ellerbee, and Jane Pauley - each in
Complexity of the education of their children at risk in a news-saturated
Imagine: 06:30 watch is after a hard day at the office busy mom
Make dinner. Enter park their daughter 9 years and 5 years, son
"Play Nintendo until dinner is ready," says the small,
Instead, start by launching channels.
Tom Brokaw on "NBC News Tonight," announces that a shooter Atlanta
killed his wife, daughter and son, all three with a hammer on the first
a rampage shootingLeaves nine dead.
The "World News Tonight, Peter Jennings reports that an airliner with jumbo
more than 300 passengers crashed in a fireball of metal that runs Hong Kong
The CNN report on the earthquake in Turkey, with 2,000
People killed.
Discovery Channel, there's a timely special on hurricanes and
Create terror in children. Hurricane Dennis has already struck, Floyd is
. Come
Finally, see alocal news on a roller coaster accident in a new
Jersey amusement park, a mother and her daughter eight years, killed.
Nintendo has never been so good.
"Dinner is ready!" Mommy cries, unaware that their children may be frightened
by this menacing potpourri of TV news.
What is wrong with this picture?
"There's a lot wrong, but it is not so easily identifiable," says Linda
Ellerbee, the creator and host of "Nick News," the award-winningNews
Program for children ages 8-13 designed air on Nickelodeon.
"Looking at the blood and gore on TV is not good for children and do
much to improve the lives of both adults, "says the anchor, the objective
The children informed about world events without terrorizing them. "We
Stretching brain child ', and there's nothing that should concern, including
Recent programs of euthanasia, the Kosovo crisis, prayer in schools, book-
Prohibition of the death penalty,Sudan and slaves.
But Ellerbee emphasizes the necessity of parental supervision, shielding
Children from unfounded fears. "During the bombing in Oklahoma City,
were the horrific images of children wounded and killed, "Ellerbee recalls." Kids
I wanted to know if they were in their beds for safety. In studies
Nickelodeon discovered us, the messages that children are most fearful
on television.
"If the Gulf War, the Clinton scandal, a shotJetliner, or what
happened in Littleton, you need to calm your children, over and over,
you're going to be OK - that's why this story is news that
Almost never. News is the exception ... No airs
happy and reports how many planes landed safely!
"My job is to put the information into an appropriate context for his age and younger
Fears. So you really have to watch the parents what their children see
anddiscuss with them "
But a new study on the role of media in the lives of children under the direction of
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation revealed that 95% of children of the Nation
Age 8-18 are watching TV without their parents present.
What is the typical profile Ellerbee first scenario of the mother in trouble?
"Mom is taking a beating here. Where's Daddy?" asks.Perhaps Ellerbee at Work
or live separately from mother, or absent altogether.
"Exactly. Most of the mothers andFathers are working as hard as possible, because we
we live in a society where one income just does not cut means more "
NBC News correspondent Maria Shriver, the mother of four children - Katherine,
13, Christina, 12, Patrick, 10, and Christopher, 6 - agrees with Ellerbee: "But
not using the TV as a babysitter, because she always manicure! "
Says even 48 years.
"These mothers struggling to make ends meet and they do so because
they needto help. I do not think that children would be [seen as] a lot of TV, when their
The parents were home organizing a game of touch football.
"When I need the TV as a babysitter," says Shriver, who leaves detailed TV
Consider the statements after the transfer: "I have a video for sure. I do not mind
that my children have seen "Pretty Woman" or "My Best Friend's Wedding"
3000 times. I worry more if I watched an hour of local news.That
frighten them. One may feel, 'Oh, my God is someone will come
and shoot in my bedroom? "
In a move to control their sons, like her husband,
Arnold Schwarzenegger, the governor was Shriver
back the workload as a contribution to the Dateline NBC Anchor and ground
his home office: "You never quite vigilant with your children," said
says, "because violence on television is clearly only a great influence on
The children - be it news, movies orCartoons>. "
This view is supported by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent shared
Psychiatry, which states: "TV has a strong influence in developing value
Systems and shaping behavior ... The studies found that children may become immune
the horror of violence gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems;
and infrastructure for antisocial behavior and aggressive, they imitate the violence
observed. "
While there are no rules on television 49%nationwide
Family, TV-watching Schwarzenegger on the front page is almost completely
"We have a blanket rule that my children do not see on TV all during the
Week ", he explains," and a TV in the bedroom was never a
Option. I have enough problems for homework! "He says
with a laugh. "Moreover, the half-hour of reading they have to do every night.
According to the Kaiser study was based Shriver striking a balanceException
the rule. "Many children are games to TV, VCR and video in their
Bedroom, "the study said. In addition, children aged 8-18 actually spend
average of three hours and 16 minutes a day watching TV, just 44 minutes
Reading, 31 minutes of computer, 27 minutes playing video games;
and only 13 minutes on the Internet.
"My children said," Shriver, to return home at 4 clock, a break of 20 minutes,
then right into homework orafter school sports. Then I am a big supporter of
Family dinner. Some of my best memories are of sitting
Table and listen to my parents, four brothers and my grandma,
Rose. We have no news.
"After dinner nowadays, we have a game, then my children are in bed, reading
their books. There is no time that day for any TV except on weekends when
allows a video Disney, Sesame Street, Barney, The Brady Clock
Bunch, or Pokemon. "
Beyond safe entertainment, has completely eliminated the possibility of its Shriver
Children watching the events unfold live on television news: "My children," he remarks, "do
to see, not all the news, other than Nick News, "but their children presents
with Time for Kids [Teen Newsweek is also available], and highlights
newspaper clippings on the food discussion.
"No subject should be taboo," says Shriver, "but you must filter
newsfor your children. "
ABC Peter Jennings, who reigns over "World News Tonight," the nation
more news in the evening, absolutely do not agree to a censored
Approach to news-watching: "I have two children - Elizabeth is now 24 and
Christopher is 21 - and allowed her so much and watching television news
Information at any time they wanted, "says the anchor. We believe in
The children understand the world around them, he adapted his bestselling,
Century,Children aged 10 and older in the century for young people.
No handicap in children watch the news? "I know of no disadvantage to know, and I
thought many times. I used to show concern about my kids'
Violence and sex in movies outdoors. Like most parents, I discovered that although
They were in the past with violence than I would have liked, I do not feel exposed
hit. The jury is still sex.
"I have my children exposed to violencethe world - bestiality
People - beginning at age 6 or 7 I have not tried to hide it. I never
Worrying about a curtain between them and reality, because I've never heard
My children would be harmed by, a force when exposed
understand the context in which it occurred. I will talk with my children for
Danger to children in war - the fact that they are innocent peasants -
and what we do as a family, so that theA more peaceful world
Jennings believes that children ruin a mistake: "I never
until my children talked, children or time period. I always talk to them and
My news is suitable for children of all ages. "
But even 65 years, is often angry letters from parents, will be
Say: 'How dare you put it at 6.30, when watching my children? " My
Answer: "Woman, this is not my problem. That's your problem. This is
absolutely to the parent to monitor the flow of messages at home. "
Part of this is the direction of flow, turn it off during meals in total, said
Jennings, who believes family dinners are sacrosanct. He is dismayed that the
TV is on during meals in 58% of households in the nation, according to this
The Kaiser study.
"TV during dinner is unforgivable," he exclaims, explaining that
He has always insisted that his family until he came home to waitStill
the news. "You're damned right they waited ... even when my children were small, they
never eat until 7:30 or 8:00. Then we would sit with no music, no TV. Why
These wastes a golden opportunity? TV steals the food of the family
the nature of the meal, the Last Supper and the exchange of ideas. I mean,
God, if the table is anything, it is a place to learn good manners and
Recognition for two of the greatest things in life - food and. Drink
Jennings is also in his view of junk TV and believes parking light
Deaf children produced in the tube minds: "I think with a TV as a babysitter
terrible idea because the damn television is very narcotic, drug-like. Unreasonable
TV makes people passive - and a distraction from homework!
"My two children were allowed only half an hour of entertainment Clock
TV per day - and have never had TV in their bedrooms.It 's a conscious
Choice as a parent I try not too attractive ... ... "
Should Adds Ellerbee: "Television and his seductive. The hard fact is clear
that when children watch TV, not doing much! "
According to the National Institute on Out-of-School Time and
Office of Research Education Consumer Guide, plays an important role in
children's lives than ever. The children watch TV an average of up to 22 OF14
Hours per week, representing theat least 25 percent of their free time.
"Dateline NBC" Jane Pauley Again, very private, declined an interview
to discuss how she and her husband, cartoonist Garry Trudeau ("Doonesbury")
Handle the TV with their three teenagers, two of whom are fraternal twins.
But in a written reply, it was agreed that children need better protection
From the onset of violence: "I was a guest of a state primary school
Not long ago, and was invited to an invitationfourth grade class to the current
Events. "The assignment was to watch the news and write to one of
stories. Two children picked up the deadly attack of a child by a pit bull and
others wrote about a boy who had hanged himself with a belt! They looked at all
The worst carnage "News at 11" stations in town. The teacher was not
Note that as horrified as I was. My answer was to help the school
Subscriptions to "Time for Kids" and "My WeeklyReader. "People need to be
The best news consumers. And tabloid TV is very unhealthy for children. "
At this point, Ellerbee readily agrees: "I think the first
Change keeps on hand. You are the master at home and parents
have every right to see what their children. What is even better
and watch with them to initiate discussions on what your see.If
Child is just something terribly violent, sit down and defuse. Talk
makes the ghosts run ... and children with their fear of breaking feelings. "
Adds Pauly:
"Kids", he says, "knowing the bad news - they are trying to
Spare us the bad news sometimes. But children should be able to see that their
Parents are deeply involved both human enough, as a tragedy
Columbine, but also strong enough to receive it ... and alive. Namely
Support its safety. "
"I'm not an expert inNation's children, "said Jennings," but I would say
No, it was traumatic. Disturbing, shocking, even devastating for some,
source of confusion for others, but traumatizing that, broadly, no.
"You want my children to explain that young, angry, angry, depressed
The children in the world? Yes I have heard terrible stories about what is happening
the colleges of my children. And because of the shooting are the parents
do now on board - educators print "something. "You
noted that most schools in America, especially
"Safe, a fact confirmed by the National School Safety Center, which reports that
l998 there were only 25 violent deaths in schools compared to an average of
50 in the early 90s.
Ellerbee adds that a parent has the ability to listen to more important
Lobbying for the school administrations more metal detectors and armed guards, "If
There is never a case whereThe adults were not listening to children, it was
Littleton. First, do not interrupt your child ... Abandon all thought out.
Then, if you sit still for a few seconds after they finished they
start talking again, obtain a second level of honesty. Thirdly, let's be honest
with your child. For very young children, is correct to say: "This will never be
We will ... "But we say that a 10-year-old."
Moreover, Ellerbee believes thatAverage day begins to stop parents
pretend that if you ignore TV, they go. "Let your child know the
The beginning that he or she is smarter than television: "I am in control of this box
It does not have control of me. I will use this field as a useful, powerful, but
are not used by him. "Children know the difference.
"Watching TV says," Ellerbee, "makes kids more civilized. I grew up
south Texas in a family of bigoted people.Television me
Family matter my belief in natural inferiority of black people.
For me the TV was a real window to expand my world. "
Ironically, for Shriver, watching TV news is incredibly painful when the
See you. When Kennedy Shriver has lived a long life in
Glow items and
Television speculation about his family. Presentation of messages to their children
explained the reasons which contain the tragedies andDisputes
Kennedys have endured. He was only eight when his uncle, President
John F. Kennedy was assassinated: "I grew up in very big shadow ... and I
could not avoid, "she admits." It was not a necklace, but it was a great
Responsibility that I do not want to hear my children. "But it is his 15 -
Year of marriage megastar Schwarzenegger add another level of public
Curiosity near your home? "My children are not only funTonight - no,
No, never! And I do not wear them to movie openings or Planet Hollywood. I
I think it is for them to be proud of their father, but not brag about him. "
How does she emotionally handle news when her family is in it? "This is a line
I go because my childhood, and is certainly the way
Reporters have become. It made me less aggressive. I'm not in the [news
] Business to me than to others, but glorifyto report more
History without destroying someone in the process. The producer would say, 'Call
this person is in a disastrous situation and book the right way. "And I
like, "Ahhhh. I can not bring it" because I was
the other side and know the family is in such pain. "
A few years ago, of course, the Kennedys experienced profound pain, but
again when Shriver's beloved cousin, John F. Kennedy, Jr. killed in plane crash
Crashwith his wife Carolyn and sister-in-law, Lauren Bessette. A river
The coverage has been constant for weeks. "I have not seen all of it ... I was
busy, "Shriver said calmly." And my children do not see anything, not of it. "
Shriver, however, was a bit 'prepared to discuss the tragedy with his
Children. And 'author of the bestseller "What's Heaven?" [Golden Books]
a book for children ages 4-8, which explains the death and the loss of a targeted
belovedone. "My children knew John well because he spent Christmas with us. I
explains what happens when the news said John ... they went through
as best I could. I reminded them that my mother wrote the book and says:
"We are not going to see John. ... He went to God in heaven ... and we
should pray for him and his sister [Caroline] and her children. "
As Shriver, personally uncomfortable in the role of financial Jennings
tragedies in a privatepublic forum: "In my work I'm considered one of those
People pulling their feet very concept of these things, "said
He says. "During the OJ Simpson trial, I decided not to go crazy in our
Reporting - and we have a good slap and dropped from first to second place in
Evaluations. TV is a business, so when a real Corker of a story like Princess Diana
The death comes, we cover it. I think not afraid to do so. We
Overkill, and withDiana arrived, we celebrate something that has been largely
ephemeral, that Diana over her. But audiences leap up!
"I was a complete cover s John F. Kennedy Jr. ', unlike' funeral, because I
did not consider it necessary to do so. It was not a public figure, although some might say, I was
wrong. On-Air, I said: "I do not think that Mr. Kennedy would approve of young
All this extra ... "But we have three hours to the funeral and it was discovered that
a wonderful longhistory lesson on American politics and Kennedy
Dynasty place in our national life.
"Sometimes," Jennings muses, "TV is like a chapel in which we as a nation,
can gather around a common experience loss.We they did with the
Challengers, most recently with the death of JFK Jr. s', and we will soon, I
I suspect, though I hope not, with Ronald Reagan. There is not much different from that
what people did when they went West in covered wagons in the last century.
When the tragedy, gathered around the car, lit the fire and said:
about their losses of the day. And then he left. Television can be very
comforting. "
Finally, Ellerbee contends that it is the fault of television news producers
The human appetite for sensational reports, which often attracts days
at a time:
"As a reporter," he muses, "I've never seen a war, accident, or was
Murder site, which would take any claim in a crowd. This is alittle trash in all of us. But '
The same people who gawk at a traffic stop can also climb into a well
for the life of a child crying or a sunset, or grin and tap their feet to save, if the
Parade passes.
"We are not one. Children can understand these grays as ...
There are more than one answer to a question, it is certainly more than one
Part for you! "
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