Because you can? If you can do the work of love
Recently a newspaper title, "Mush flashed the most hated man in Pak. This may surprise the West, as he fought the" war on terror "for many years, but what is right for Pakistan and the world. It 'was only in 2005, General Pervez Musharraf in the Top 10 worst dictator the world has been rated by Parade Magazine. He also won the recent presidential elections with an unprecedented margin. Because his people hate him so much? After all that has done everything tothe country and risked their lives for Pakistan.
The reality is that throughout history, people, more powerful and were also the most hated. The list of dictators in modern times, like Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin or Mao. Although all these seemingly powerful people sacrificed their lives for their country, but their countrymen who hated more than anyone else. Mussolini was so hated by his people that not only and his mistress were shotof their people, but their bodies were hung upside down on meat.
if you have not met a dictator from this bitter truth of life. The end result of power is always the same, but the use of force is inevitable. Even within a family, parents often force the child to put on the right path. The senior officer to have their power to control their subordinates and get the job done. Cops kill criminals in encounters, to save 'Society and the country. There are many situations in the professional and personal lives of even the common man in the world, if they have no choice but to use power, seems to get results.
Most people use force to achieve the goal of an organization or the self. The power supply is used by authorities to bring jobs in society and uphold the rule of law. It seems necessary that people do not listen to the law and not follow the law no. But in any societyPolice officers and all other organs of state power to exercise, which are always the most hated by the people.
We justify the use of power, to believe ourselves that the people would soon realize that the exercise of power, not for personal profit, but for the interests of the person or organization .. However, they are the same people whose interests have cursed the power is exercised. Little do people realize that the power can only bring hatred you have to lose the love of the people in his desireExercise power? People are so shocked to learn later in her life that she hated most by the person in whose interest has exercised power. What to do if your son hates you for actions you have done in the interest of the child himself?
On the other hand, it seems that the world of men, had no power to love. Buddha put his kingdom and monaco be without power or wealth. He is still loved. Christ had no power, yet it symbolizes the love of allWorld. Gandhi also had an office in his life had no wealth, but he was loved by his people than any other person. In one family, loved her mother more than father. It seems that the power and love can not exist together.
Because you can?
Let us first understand why it took power in the first place. We use the power to bring order in society. In other words, the power is used to ensure that everybody follows the law of the country and behave in a civilized manner.Therefore, it seems that there are bad intentions behind the use of power. While we justify the use of power when it came to others, none of us want that any other person who appears to exert a power over us, as we always justify any reason for all our actions. The secret of our thought is hidden in the following couplet Gita, which indicates (Gita, III, 27)
"All human actions are all facts about human nature. Think of the deluded ego:" I am the offender. "
The onlyDifficulty is that all people are born with a different kind. The nature of man with nature, earth, the birth of caregivers were compared for all species of plants worldwide. The true nature of man is like a natural population that grows automatically, all types of plants, not only plants but also desirable, undesirable plants, the man called weeds. Then a powerful man, like a good gardener considers its duty to forcefully remove the weeds out, so that plantscan survive. There is no reason why the weeds are not entitled to survive, even if they are the descendants of the same mother earth, but be strong enough to justify human weeds for the plants.
If there is truth in the Gita, is for people to follow their natural course. A child does exactly what its nature imposes on him. He loves to eat, play games, movies and cartoons and do not want to read books. But parents know that there are studies that needits future, and so try to convince him to study. If not, they feel the child the use of force justified reform.
The same is true in the world of adult men. Everyone wants to do what he wants and what his desires nature. However, the company holds some of his desires to be right and others wrong. So the people in power, their power to that person for an act not punishable as a right by society. What can they do to a person who does not confirmthe laws of society? How can you deal with people in office that does not work, or work against the interests of 'organization? Only that the sentence improve. How do you communicate with people who break the law and the criminal acts against the citizens? Only force can be properly adjusted. What to do with a government that does not meet, given its people? You can only change by force.
strength of power seems the only way to convince people of whatnot want to do. This is how all dictators and autocrats to adopt, as appeals to the mind, and produces results quickly. They seize power, everything is perfect, very attractive as a fast food restaurant, which offers instant gratification. But power, such as fast food, the consequences difficult to resist even the most powerful and healthy.
The mystery of Understanding
Everything in this world works from nature. Water flows from the highestHeight in deeper layers, from high-current voltage is too low and the heat flows from higher temperature low. How doe the flow of knowledge? After all, the goal of every use of power is to understand the other point of view of the man in power. If only man can understand the same without the use of power is lost, the need to power itself.
Imagine if your child is doing well, what do you want to love him. Would certainly have no power? If citizens voluntarilyStart the laws and regulations, police services would be closed because they do not use the power of government. Only when you understand your colleagues and subordinates do what they think is right, no power may be required to make them understand. The real difficulty is that others do not want to understand your point of view. What is the true meaning of understanding?
According to Thomas Edison, the concept of understanding comes from two simple words "in" and "." If youacknowledges that he / she is down someone or something else, it makes itself receptive to obtain and keep information from him in order to reach an understanding (Wikepedia: wiki / Understanding )
So the easiest way to understand other people your approach is "a higher level" stand as the beneficiary. Then, as the water flows automatically at low level, would take the knowledge or ideas from youautomatically from your spirit, the spirit of the recipient.
If we observe, however, as powerful to try to understand other people less powerful, are exactly the opposite. Those in power often want to understand people, concepts that stand out as the opposite of what they do or believe. For example, if the President or Prime Minister of a democratic country to follow the citizens of equality, brotherhood and justice, as he believes, and acts in itsopposite way. He lives in the bigger house and "legal" in all its actions in legally protected. The community foundation is in itself of "divide and rule" is based on the exact opposite of what he is doing for His country men, that is, teach others to promote love and brotherhood.
Apply the same good for all religions. While all religions teach equality before God and to love the poor and weak, but religious leaders do exactly the opposite. Jesus says (Matthew 19:23) for his discipline,
I tell youthe truth. It is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I must say that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man in the kingdom of God
But the truth is that churches, temples and monoesters enormous amounts of money, the priests have to live the life of luxury in contrast to the very philosophy of their religion. Priests to enjoy enormous power and prestige in society and often above the law. In the family, even with the peoplefind it much easier to tell their children to a certain thing, while doing exactly the opposite. However, he wants to forget all the other powerful precisely the opposite, that to understand understanding, is a natural process, like water and it can only flow from top to bottom.
Inspiration against perspiration
The purpose of the power to change the flow of nature. For example, a pump, you can make the water flow from the lower level, a higher level, andUsing air conditioners and refrigerators, you can make heat flow from lower temperatures at higher temperatures. This is what a strong person trying to get out of power. He person to understand instead of trying to take control of her through the use of brute force. This is troublesome because it requires the continuous application of force. This is the path of "sweat" effort is needed just to reach the desired result.
The other methodPerson to do what you want is amended by the inspiration of the nature of the person. If you can change the nature of man, that would make the necessary things automatically. If a child can use to understand the benefits of the study, the task of the child's parents would take care of themselves. The same applies to the states. If King follows the law and walk the talk, people would automatically follow suit. say like a pro old Indian, "Raja yatha tathata Praja" (as is theKing is the theme.). Gita also says (Gita III-21)
Whatever the best man always has been done by other people what it is, for example, follows the world.
Therefore, parents who try to win until the soul of the child from focusing on the higher level of understanding must never use force to produce the child. Understanding flows automatically. Same goes for the king or the leader of a country or the head of the Office. If you only do what you want, that otherto follow people, you can do the same thing without using force.
There may still be times when the use of force might be necessary. However, the use of power for the last option rather than the first option. Only when all other options fail, you must spend energy to do things. Were surprised to learn that most of the time, you must use the power to understand people. Even if power must be used temporarily, it mustApplication with love just like you want to treat others with you in similar circumstances. The need to inspire others should never be ignored. Since only through inspiration, you can influence to change the soul of man and nature. Once you change the nature of man, the "right" measures would automatically flow from it. The process of change in the character of a person is slow, but the best way to achieve the desired results. The method of inspiration caused no pain, no fatigue and no hatred asEverything flows automatically from the nature of man.

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