What does God look like?

While running and spray on my way in life, I often stopped to reflect the reality of a supreme authority. Knowing that one day I would have to be provided with such a deity, so these thoughts led me on a path of spiritual enlightenment of the various religions of the world.

Beings, "The Book" is diagrams represent future events or plans that could see I have, I understood, only to come to terms with the reality of what was written before that time can not be changedover time, but time was allowed me to change. Therefore, I found that the prophecies in "The Book" written are the inevitable consequence, that my previous checks unconventional lifestyle.

In my many years of travel through this journey of the process called "life" I found I had better not let the emotional loyalty to any political parties or religious, in order to avoid distortions in me from my thoughts.

I learned many years ago thatThe truth is illusory. During what is the truth for me do not apply to another, as we all have different moments that define our beliefs with experience. Therefore, I urge all of that comes from all media, including the Bible.

After many years of accounting of these realities, I went to an online service where I often find myself in a unique way in the beginning of discussions with other boyfriends. I would now like one of the many conversations I was not allowed to baglast year or so.

On 23 September 2007, I received a friend request on MySpace.com by an unknown person or person (s) of an organization. As always, if I receive an application, go to the MySpace site of the applicant for clues to his character.

Here I found all the characteristics of a typical male 30-year-old single, girly pictures, the desire for admiration and romance, with other interests that I believe he had a strong desire for the truth instead of leadingto accept only say that the various media. However, he published his vision of truth, at first, will be contaminated with anger and resentment toward the current administration.

I answered the question for a lot of that was in reference to his political point of view and ideas that mirror, but there were things that I heard the young man was not aware of.

I explained my thoughts on our current situation was inevitable and that this government inpawns in a game of power only to his chest, like many leaders of the world that has preceded them and that the Hebrew Scriptures are full of such leaders.

I explained that I do not see anyone do about the blatant disregard for our civil rights as a scapegoat lying or a fool, but who goes to a process and is flush with anger from the hearts of all men. I recalled that the applicant is not the struggle between flesh and blood, but between the spiritualPrinciples, which are beyond our control or direct our reasoning.

I explained that I would accept his offer because I especially the American flag, which used the group as a symbol of love. I'm old school, so I still have tears when I offered my hand on my heart and my place covenant promise to those who have died to protect my religious freedom.

Then I went to my great concern to those who have the right to declare earnings from the sex trade, drug production, which oftennoted that with more profit character. The materialistic way of thinking through the media and the tolerance that can be created to promote sexual deviance.

It seems that people are so afraid that they are seen as intolerant of the media allow the review to the point of teaching, in a way that almost allowed, our children, regardless, without fear of consequences. Much of what seems, moving pornography, violent video games to learn andother means of self-destructive.

Then, when the child acts on it, punishing hours an alternative date, almost pre-programmed action, the company then stops and remove the child, rather than allowing for the treatment of learned behavior. So I ask who is at fault here, a Congress that gives permission, a means by which the behavior or the child who teaches only one alternative or learned behavior.

I think this allows tolerance has reached its maximum, and ifThis dependence on rules to survive much longer that will continue to cause irreparable damage, both traditional and secular families.

They claim that 85% of the American population claim Christianity as the choice of religion and a Christian church on every corner it seems. However, if opinion polls are 85% of respondents did not know Saul made by Paul, and it looked different needs in terms of their understanding of Christ.

Ia rather unique vision of Christ, so I came to the conclusion that the church will be rigged in bricks and mortar. Therefore, religion is used to control the human race, rather than his freedom from the tyranny that is the god of this world to do.

Where some of you are claimed as God blessed only if you see the extravagant success in the market, others say, money is a curse. Some argue that abortion and homosexuality are sins unpardonable, while others the law of Mosesraised on the cross.

It seems that most people refuse to study words in the book to discover for themselves, allowing them to justify their rules, you may want to create something with their lives. This is the real sin of Lucifer, his free will gone rouge. still want his "church" they are the children of most of the blame for the crimes of the Most High God of Lucifer against humanity.

It seems that most people do not understand why, for manywant the true Christ of Congress to remove, but when they have finished blasting the New Testament writings by ancient walls, they will know that he gave to the roof.

E 'for these reasons I believe that if not stopped, he asked God to different methods of chaos on the internal structure of America and the Government of the wreck, making its economic collapse. I mean blatant disregard for and exploitation of the naive will not be tolerated, because God is not inridiculed.

The applicant responded, saying he understood my concerns and gave me examples of those who had made a difference in the world with their actions, and that he felt he must do its part as well.

Then he invited me to this video Zieta Spirit warned me that I view as offensive and asked me to reply back with my thoughts. I saw the movie then saw the word "spirit Zieta. I discovered the term refers to: "The taste and outlook of the characteristics of aNow or generation "- American Heritage Dictionary

The video contains information that is primarily a speculative review for me, but I opened the first part of the information. Much of what he says in the video, and much of what I do not pretend here to be examined, as it is not difficult to understand much of what people believe. Since most of the speculation is based only on hearsay and folklore.

However, my main base of the biblical evidence, such asas the Book of Enoch, discovered that I have to say about this very period in which we live today than at any other time. Because the proven history of prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures, is valid, this form has become my main reference for the future receivables are subject to all other claims.

I explained to the applicant to be aware of a secret society of elite business opportunists who control the hearts and minds of world markets. AsPresident Ronald Reagan made the claims in respect of his, as he was leaving the office, said the American people to embrace a new world order.

I was very young then, but I knew that this implies. is then from this man, I was very surprised to see a second time, at that time, I do not think it fully realizes the importance of following his return, or the consequences. I still have great admiration for this man, a patriot.

But this mentality,In terms of world domination have been in every generation since the time of the biblical Cain and Abel would, I suspect, known. Unfortunately, the wealth and ultimate power is a precursor to the war since the time of the biblical king and has been.

I had a suspicion that the power can be created, the need for war against Iraq shake to gain control on oil and the only way to sell the war was the need for the American people to create a scenario to unite under theForm of a common enemy. But the government does not have such a group of rogue fear, but fear the day when the masses are awakened and are beginning to realize that they are the true children of God

However, I was not aware that the powers had to be created had 9-11, until I saw a picture on the screen of the main pillars of the Twin Towers were cut to 45% angle, with what seemed to be made with a gas cutting torch. I wish I could have seen orat least those witnesses interviewed for this and those on pre-explosion just seconds before the crash airplane profession of fire. But with so many witnesses, it is more likely to remove the doubt factor.

I believe that those who are sure that if the war in Iraq was created, it was not created to free a nation, or remove an evil tyrant, but to control oil reserves. Like any serious thinking person would have concluded that the oil is at the heart ofall nations and can not survive without a nation. However, there is a serious spiritual component, this will be.

Regarding Mr Dick Chaney involvement in Halliburton is frightening, as when Kofi Annan children alleged involvement in the "oil for food" program. If proof can be provided, should have seen all these atrocities involved in detention. However, as I said above, there is a power at work here that is beyond any doubt. This evil is called in HebrewAdjusted to achieve the goal of a final authority and the reality did not realize at the time at work.

This then leads to the next topic in relation to religion. Instead of me in the opinion of the other nasty acts, like many of my course I called, I would like my thoughts on religion in the hearts and minds of simple address. This to me is a crime far greater than any previously addressed.

I firmlyenjoyed, especially the first part of the video, because I could use the words of Mr. George Carlin belong. However, most people would have difficulty in relating Christ basis with a long-term process of an evolving creation. I on the other hand, could implement this as a process that was thought divine.

As most would conclude that in both the sacred books of the Hebrew Bible, and his half-brother of the Koran are books by metaphors, symbols and metaphors are based. Both seem tocan be designed as a diamond with many facets of relationships with different combinations of a full Creator. Therefore, if your grandfather Adam had a couple of days swinging from a tree, and picking up bugs from the back of the grandmother of Eva, I have no problem with the heads of the methods.

He says that God spoke the universe into existence, and this I have no reason to be suspicious of his claim. I have no reason to disbelieve him when he held his breath each molecule, together with his statements. AllIt makes no difference to me as he did what he did, I just know he did what he did and how he had to do what he did.

Where else has the right to be born a virgin birth, all the tribes have asserted their stories and folklore of the people of a great flood and prophecy are all very similar in nature. Most just use different people, places and things in their presentations, but all represent the same results.

I have a bearded TrackingThe man called by many names, which apparently had visited in America. They say it came out of the sea, and returned to the sea, as if he just went back and forth.

I once had a web search of him that brings me back to my website. This shows how little is known of him. Nevertheless, the Hopi and other tribes of America accounts of his spoken word over the past 1,000 years, maybe longer.

It was the coming of Christ in another form? We can only speculate, what if we ask,So was Hitler or Napoleon announce a form of anti-Christian "God's will be done"

"See, I'm the one" God "who created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its work, and I am the one who created the destroyer to work evil," Isaiah 54: 16. "

My studies at the Junior College were the psychology of you, but I study of ancient civilizations and religions for many years. I found the mathematics of the Mayan civilizationabsolutely fascinating.

It 'was then that I realized that the Creator had to mathematical laws governing its galaxy invented. Therefore, nothing is left to chance, but everything is relative and targeted. However, if knowledge is used for the hearts and minds in the form of religion is to control and has always been left to its own end.

The man is incapable of self-government, as self-government has always led to self-destruction. History has long been evidenceBiblical Adam. This began the search for the holder of the darkness that I chose to Lucifer, when he made his claim in the light, and his throne, only to deceive themselves, as we have in our current form, the product of this thinking are. call

Many years ago, wrote a book entitled "America in Prophecy" by Miss EG White was sent to my address. Say here, I got my first real point of view of the church as a corrupt "religion" This religion, like the business model ever of a companyGoogle, in search of total dominance, for the hearts and minds to control suckers.

Again the same business model will be used to check compliance with their destiny of self-invoked the anti-Christ takes the throne of God is nothing new under the sun here.

Therefore, claims of all those born of a virgin, he said only way the truth and the life. Anyone can claim to divinity, but has only one and in myUnderstanding. If he is the Son of God, or the sun of man, he is the only one that makes sense because even after my long research.

But again there is much more. When a man suffers serious consequences for his actions or that of another, often sees his life and his role in the bigger picture. Here he is often a heart, a voice that she directs him toward a particular goal or objective to recognize begins granted.

Although many of them have not soughtmy satisfaction, never fully explained this feeling that in these dark times, the darkness comes from his duty, the validity of the reflected light relief from the truth.

I find the value of life and their understanding of many effects in the sacred books, but I do not understand from a book or other period to come, but a storm of emotional carnage.

As I mentioned in our web site disclaimer, "Up to this moment each of us is as one with our Creator,does not appear to be an absolute truth, at this stage of human development. The truth seems to be subjective, rather than man's role seems to be more subjectively determined only by its willingness to do the right thing with his fellow occupants of the land of God

Therefore, it seems that we are all on a trial basis, prepares us for a final process that eventually will grant us amnesty. But let's not certain that we are free from the darkness, but always looking for the light that isHaMashiach Yahshua, the Christ as the only form of realism to God for our determination. "

There is much to learn for us, but as we have only scratched the surface here. I have a book that my explanation of biblical accountability, I learned to write in a room full of alcoholics was Catholic. I'm not the defeat of the universal Church, I am just an observation of what I filled the "bartender Christian" as a recovery with the former Catholic search for truth in otherReality.

Be that all "people are their Creator," born for the image and "All" demand respect, even if not fully deserves the attention that I use all the derogatory comments or use of defamatory caricatures of people as creatures of disgust and ridicule revealed.

I encourage you more, other, their different ideals not cause bodily injury to any spread. Although the concern for the welfare of others may turn to anger and resentment, the message iscontaminated are works of the flesh, but the truth is like a home.

"The Book" says a strong spirit lacks insight put to the people of the earth. Therefore, we must not take it personally if our denial message foot caused unheard. We must understand that free spirit desired hindered the minds and hearts of those who love to run the world. In this, it makes sense to live on earth rather than in it. For those who are in love with theBecause of the world, have little or no respect from their Creator.

Therefore, we must all understand that we can not with a child to discuss the disorder in his pants. Since this is all he sees, but only until such time as he has the right to recognize the smell of her smell, but it just came at the time for liquidation. Therefore, we are our brother's keeper, but not its judge.

I received a reply the applicant argues that his convictions are not for lack ofHave faith in God, but distrust for "The Book" in this and claimed that it was written by humans. I understand your concern, knowledge of the "Church" does not take place, the Gospel of Thomas and many other popular Hebrew Scriptures of the Old Testament into the canon. I think this talk of salvation outside the control of the early church, many feared the Gospels.

The applicant has also expressed a hint of doubt, but also explained his reasoning. It 'grew up in the church of his father, apparently,His father was the pastor, the client and his stepmother had both taught Bible classes and the family had traveled to various parts of the world to do missionary work.

He had attended a Christian collage, and proposed a halfway house for drug addicts, so I knew it was a solid foundation of education. But "what" I asked myself: "What would be, as he believes now believe?"

In 12 step groups, I have often heard many reasons why people had left the bricks and mortarChurch. Some seemed indeed legitimate, while others I had to question. Some people seem to have reason to want to see disabled people all over the world for themselves, without feeling. However, the investigations tell us that 85% of them return to their basic structure.

In further correspondence, I found my answer. Apparently, the correspondent had asked God why others had the privilege to have different views, but he did not. That night, he argued, a vision that has seen the changeshis life.

He said he saw God as a huge sphere, such as lava flows of lava are still turning in the bodies of humans, animals, plants, everything seemed. Then he saw fields of knowledge of love and kindness and there was light. He claimed that these people developed the creation of man and Mayan art, before he knew anything about Maya, their culture and their art. In the morning he began to draw lots of pictures, which have been linked directly with the Mayan art.

When he saw theRange of knowledge, according to him, he began looking for the book, which had relied all his life, and did not speak one of which was found to follow. He said it was all started quite disturbing for him, and to the right, as his whole life to feel like a lie.

Needless to say, well, I was curious, so I began to question him further to be careful not to bias his conclusion to my expected result, but rather, a statement in itself.

He said that when he saw this light, he knew it wasGod, however, much to his dismay, he was told that God does not think, has no concept or rational, non-image or judge, but is the result of a mathematical mathematical equation. Not aware of his environment or with us. He is simply performing a task, the equation further.

This not only made sense to me, a creator, that is not connected to its creation? I also asked again, knowing that there are many factors to consider as the truth seems to be quite illusory and subjectivegoverned by the life experiences and what he chooses to do with the information.

Many years ago I received an excerpt from a book called "The Natural Depth in Man by Wilson Van Dusen. In this book Professor Van Dusen his work with sufferers of schizophrenia.

He wrote about two different forms of spiritual beings. One called it "the lower orders of spirit" that many words that the Great Powers says. However, the indirect interventionThe conversation was often fool Van Dusen investigations.

Other firms, Van Dusen, entitled "The higher order of mind." This spirit was symbolic rather than words. To view presents the fools, the client needs to explain what Van Dusen was the customer, listen to, rather than, as he did with the other form.

However, further observation Van Dusen said that the lower order could often more, of imitating its symbols are similar.(The article on my site to the menu card of origin and destination may be found in possession?) With this information, I then asked the responder.

Although the respondents said no connection, and because I understand the prayer, 24 / is to make conscious contact for seven of God's will to believe, a form of local paradigm or thought I then asked the responder, that while he felt with this entity. He said he did feel a common bonddo nothing more than a source of energy or see or be.

He went on to explain to a sense of well being unlike any she had never felt before. "It 'was a feeling of infinite love, joy and comfort, as if I was the one with the light source."

I then explained why I had taken a serious interest in the meeting because I had a meeting. Many years ago I had an almost indescribable, almost inhuman emotional connection with someone or something that made me feelutopian.

A calming peace had fallen on me, which was incomprehensible to me. It 'was like the harmony and perfection of a catalyst that has been set in place of peace and joy. Then it simply melted away before I could fully understand. It seemed an emotional vision of heaven, a spiritual intimacy with harmony! Then I felt God with everything!

He left me with a sense of wonder and aw. It 'was pretty shocking and powerful. E 'come so fast that it can not be measured by time. I felt that ifa short window of total satisfaction.

During further discussions with the answering machine, now called a friend, he is no longer with me. This can be for many the idea of you, hard, even if you might suggest, with regard to our demands. He led her to the man who had previously developed.

He said they saw a good deal 'as an alien in a lot of pictures we have seen described. Save energy with an almost tear the head and body as thin as can be. Something strangeHowever, he said he wanted to see their faces, not looking at him, but sat
To do what they did, as if he was not even there.

They just seemed to refuse to make eye contact, no matter how he tries. He claimed that he had the feeling that they were protecting him, as if eye contact would have been injured in any way with them.

My new friend had a vision appeared in the night, while I had felt the day had time to dream. This brings meto believe that there is only one universe, a family and a creator of all, all religions and respect for all people.

I understand the Creator, I choose to call "God" for the energy source that takes care, for which the gifts of his personality and identity in Yahshua has maintained a personal relationship with the Creator, I decided to call my friend.

It seems that the strength of an opponent's life I choose to call Lucifer or whoever cheatsalso maintains a personal relationship that I had not. However, both are under many names in many different countries and so many times and known for centuries.

The ultimate goal was for me then as being one of the brightest in this glorification of Him, I choose to call my friend.

If you had a similar encounter, I'd love to hear from you.

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